Organization In The New Year

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It’s that wonderful time of the year where everything feels like a fresh start. While I’m not really one for New Year’s Resolutions (I can’t stick with them to save my life!), I can definitely get down with purging, cleaning, and organizing all the things. There’s just something about cleaning up and storing all of the holiday decor that gets me in the mood to do that with our entire home. Since I’m officially back to work (after a wonderful extended break over the holidays), that cleaning and organizing mindset has made its way into my office, too!

My professional aim this year is to make monthly goals and stick with them. I want to be better at keeping up with my books month-to-month, instead of quarter-to-quarter. I want to be better at responding to emails in a timely manner. I want to have a designated place, either with paper and pen or virtually, where I keep all of my ideas, notes, and inspiration. I want to be better at setting and keeping an editorial calendar and a “schedule of events” for Elisabeth Ashlie. All of these things are tasks and things that I do now, I just know that I can improve them and make them even more efficient and helpful!

I’m a firm believer in a cluttered space equals a cluttered mind. I have a hard time concentrating on other things when whatever space I’m in is messy and disorganized – all I want to do is put things back in order before anything else! I love having things that are equal parts function and style, like pretty acrylic desktop organizers and marble trays. I’m a pen and paper girl, so decorative notepads and blank calendars are my go-to for making lists, setting deadlines and staying on track. I’m really tempted by that desktop “goal timer”, too! I can get carried away and distracted from my list pretty easily when I’m in my office, so having a visual reminder of how much time I’m allowing myself to work on something could be helpful.

I’m looking forward to simplifying my office space and creating the best environment possible to achieve my goals this year!

Hi there!

Lauren Bown Lifestyle Blog is an online destination where I share my personal style, beauty finds, and bits of life in hopes to inspire other women to feel good in their skin and find the beauty in the ordinary.

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